Monday, December 12, 2011

Your Life Is A Blank Canvas

In this lesson, Pastor Jimmy lays out how we have choices and can shape our very future through the grace and provision that was paid for by Christ.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Star Is Still Shining

Recently, the Holy Spirit prompted me to reread the birth of Jesus. So, I opened to the first and second chapters of Mathew and as I read chapter 2 the words began to jump off the page at me.  It is a wonderful experience when the word of God comes alive. I never want to take for granted just reading scriptures without it coming alive. When, this happens I feel like I am right there in the moment and really connecting with what I am reading. I know that reading can stir up emotions, but, reading the word of God for me goes beyond my emotions. This is a regular occurrence, those that know me well can testify on how Acts chapter 2 has a very profound way of coming alive to me as I read it. All, I can say, is the bible speaks to my spirit, my heart, and develops the core values of what I choose to believe. It is Powerful!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just the 4 of us

In this message, Pastor Jimmy Milligan uses a great illustration to show us how we are connected to God...