
Pastor Jimmy Milligan Founded Living Faith Church in 1985, and continues to lead it today. He listens carefully to the Holy Spirit, and pursues after the heart of God. He is supported by his Wife Barbara Milligan who was there at the beginning, and has walked with him on this journey since even before the establishment of this church.

Senior Associate Pastor Jake Tijerina has considered Pastors Jimmy and Barbara Milligan mentors since the first time he heard them speak in 1996. Pastor Jake comes from a long ministerial family background, which includes his Parents, Grand Parents, Great Grand Parents, Uncles, Aunts, & Cousins. In 1993 he answered the call to go into full time ministry as an Evangelist, but in 1998, he heard the change in his call to the Associate Pastorate for Living Faith Church.  He has faithfully served as the Associate Pastor and assisted with the Pastoral Care Ministries. With a strong gift in exhortation and a heart for people, Jake assists the Pastor in all areas of ministry, and is a licensed minister with the Independent Assemblies.

Pastor Jake and his family have lived in Moore, OK for 8 years. He and his wife, Melanie, were married in 1995. They have two children Caleb and Isabella. He attended Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green, Ohio but is also a fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Sooners, Dallas Cowboys, and Oklahoma Thunder. His family enjoys taking trips to Disney World.

Pastor Carl and Lori Higgins are the Associate Youth Pastors. They have been in ministry for over 15 years and have served as youth pastors, associate pastors and senior pastors at several Oklahoma churches. They have been married 19 years and have 2 boys.  

Carl is ordained through the Independent  Assemblies. They are passionate about helping people realize and fulfill their purpose for God's kingdom. They are also called to heal those who have been burnt by life, and shuned by religion by loving them back into the kingdom. You can follow Pastor Carl's blog at

Maribel Valdez leads the Outloud Youth Group. She has been an import part of teaching staff as well, but has a heart for youth ministry. Each Wed will find her with our teenagers. Teaching, leading, and loving them as directed by the Holy Spirit.

Cheryl Garret has been a member of Living Faith Church since the beginning in 1985.  She began teaching Sunday School in 1990 and taught for 16 years before becoming our Children’s Pastor in 2006.  Besides overseeing the running of our children’s ministry, she teaches a class each Sunday in The Square at Kidztown. Cheryl also loves singing and worshiping with our worship team on Sunday evenings. 

She married Charles in 2004 and hopes to add a furry friend (of the Yorkshire Terrier variety) to their family soon.  In her spare time, she enjoys shopping, organizing, being crafty and anything pink!  Cheryl is the owner of, where she shares her passion for all things paper and shares her handmade cards and paper goods.