Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
We had some technical difficulties and did not manage to capture the HD version, but we did capture and archive the live stream.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Free Puppet Skit - "Don't Bow Down" (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
Don’t Bow Down!
Bob: I really need to talk to someone because I don’t know what to do! Hmm, who did I see back there today? Oh, I’ve got it! Oh SOOOONNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!
Song: Hey ya Bobby old boy old pal! What’s all the yelling about?
Bob: I’m sorry if you thought I was yelling at you but I have a problem and I need your help.
Song: Oh, no worries, what’s going on my friend?
Bob: Well, I met these producer guys down at the music studio; you know where I’ve been trying to record my new rap album? Anyway, they said that I can’t record my music there if I keep singing about God.
Song: Well, that’s not really a problem; find a different place to make music.
Bob: But Song, I don’t have the money to record anywhere else!
Song: Are you gonna stop writing music about God?
Bob: No!
Song: Then there’s not a problem. You know Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego kinda had the same problem that you do.
Bob: They did? How?
Song: Well, they were super smart Hebrew guys, you know, Children of God? Anyways, the king decided that he was gonna build this huge golden statue that was like 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide…
Bob: All made of gold? Wow! He must have been one rich dude!
Song: Yeah, he was but that’s not the point. The point is that the goofy king decided that all of the people who lived in his kingdom had to bow down and worship that great big statue.
Bob: Oh, I don’t like the sound of that at all! That’s like those producers telling me that I can’t write about Jesus!
Song: Exactly! So, some of the other rich and powerful guys that worked for the king decided to be total bratty tattle-tales and told the King that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego weren’t worshipping the statue and it made the king so mad that he totally freaked out.
Bob: Really? What did the king do?
Song: He told the three Hebrew boys that if they did not bow down and worship the statue that was going to throw them into a fiery furnace, that’s like a humongous oven dude.
Bob: OH NO!!! Did they do it? Did they bow down and worship the statue?
Song: NO WAY! They told the king that they only worshipped the One True God. They said that the king could throw them in the oven if he wanted to.
Bob: No! WAY! That’s just crazy!
Song: That’s what the king thought too. They told that king that if he put them in the oven that God would either rescue them from the fire or they would die and be with Him so they weren’t going to bow down!
Bob: Wow, that’s tough enough! They really loved God!
Song: So get this, the king made them heat up the oven 7 times hotter than it had ever been and it was so hot that the heat killed the dudes that threw the Hebrew guys into the fire!
Bob: Really? That’s stinking hot!
Song: You’re telling me! But that’s not the best part! When the king looked into the oven he didn’t only see three guys walking in the fire.
Bob: Did one of them die cause he didn’t see three? Wait a minute; they were taking a stroll in the fire?
Song: Yep, they were walking along in the fire like it was no big deal but there weren’t three because a fourth dude was in there with them! The king said the fourth guy looked like the Son of God.
Bob: Oh my gosh! That is so cool! So, the king built a statue, the dudes refused to worship it, the king got royally mad and threw the three guys in the fire but four were in there walking around and one of them was Jesus?!?!?! That is the best story ever!
Song: I know, right? So, what are you gonna do about the record producers?
Bob: Well I’m gonna tell them that if I can’t record music about God in their studio that I don’t want to record anything in their studio! I’m positive that God will work it all out.
Song: That sounds like a great plan!
Bob: It also gives me an idea for a great rap song about the three Hebrew dudes! Man I’ve gotta go write it down before I forget! See ya!
Song: Wait for me! I want to hear what you’ve got!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Free Puppet Skit - How Can I be Blessed
How Can I be Blessed?
Bob:(in window 1) God, I’m so confused! I want to know how to live in Your blessings. God, I
really need some help here, who can I ask? Hmm. Let me see…
Amerikus: (In window 2 talking to Song) So then I got totally blessed yesterday!
Song: You too? So did I but you tell me all about your blessing first!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Everyday Life
Our Easter Message was just a bit different, this time. And one we think is practical to Everyday Life.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Photos From Power & Love
Here are some of the photos captured at the Power and Love Conference. If you missed it, you really did miss a good conferance.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Why Didn't It Stick? - Free Puppet Skit
Why Didn’t It Stick?
When My Miracle Fades Away
Marty: Man oh man; I just don’t understand what’s going on at all. I really need someone to
talk to. Let me see, who did I see on my way over from Miss Trudy’s class? Hmmm, oh
yeah. Hey Luxi! Luxi? Are you back there?
Luxi: Marty? Yes, I’m here. How are you doing today?
Marty: Well, I’m… it’s just that, well, I’m not good Luxi, not good at all.
Luxi: Oh really? What seems to be the problem?
Marty: It’s like this, have you ever prayed and asked God for a miracle before?
Marty: Did you see those miracles happen?
Luxi: As a matter of fact, yes I did.
Marty: Cool, so maybe you can relate to this; you see, a while back I was singing at a
concert and I hurt my vocal chords really badly. I mean I went to a doctor who told me
that I might not get to sing ever again; so I prayed and asked for a miracle that would heal
me so that I can sing as good as I used to.
Luxi: Well, I just heard you sing last month so I guess God gave you your miracle?
Marty: I thought He had but after I sang back then my vocal chords gave out on me again
and I haven’t been able to sing with the same intensity since. What I want to know is Why?
Marty: Why is my miracle gone? I mean I know I got that miracle because I really felt
God’s touch in my throat so why did God take it away from me?
Luxi: Well Marty, first off, I don’t believe that God took your miracle away from you, He’s
not like that. I mean God won’t give you something and then turn around and take it back
from you.
Marty: Okay then why did it fade away? I mean did I really get my miracle at all or was it
wishful thinking Luxi?
Luxi: Marty, if you say that you felt God touch your vocal chords then I believe that
you really did get your miracle. As for why it may have faded away hmmm…has your
relationship with God changed?
Marty: What? I’m not sure I understand your question.
Luxi: Well, when you first got your miracle were you spending a lot of time in prayer and
worship and studying your Bible every day?
Marty: Well, yeah, I guess I was. Luxi, I was desperate to let God know how much I love Him
and I was also desperate for a touch from Him. I don’t think that hardly an hour passed by
that I didn’t tell God how much I loved Him.
Luxi: Hmmm, I see. And since you got your miracle? How has it been since you were
Marty: Well, I mean, idunno… I’ve been really busy trying to get a new CD recorded, and
there’s been lots of rehearsals for the school musical, then I’ve been out with my friends
quite a bit…wow, I guess I’ve kinda let my relationship with God slide to the back of my
Luxi: You see Marty, maybe it’s not that God took your miracle away and it’s not that God
moved out of your life, maybe you moved away from God. I think that if we stay in His
presence that it’s impossible for sickness to stay in our bodies. Perhaps you should get
back into His presence?
Marty: Wow! I never thought about it like that before! Hey! I just had a thought! You know
how Miss Cheryl has been talking about Elijah and Elisha? Maybe the reason they had such
awesome miracles is because they got in God’s presence and stayed there?
Luxi: I think that you may be on to something there Marty.
Marty: That’s awesome! I know what I’m gonna do next! I’m gonna get into God’s presence
and I’m gonna do my best to stay there! Maybe after that I can pray for people and do
miracles like Elisha did!
Luxi: I believe that is a remarkable and admirable goal Marty.
Marty: Awesome! Wanna go get some lunch? I’m buying!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
School of Power and Love
Below you will find the complete schedule, and a map to the location. Please be aware that while the conference is free, there is a $5 fee for parking if you are using a lot. More info below.
View Larger Map
6:00 Doors open
7:00 Worship + Session #1 -- Speaker -- Tom Ruotolo -- Open to the Public**
6:00 Doors open
7:00 Worship + Session #1 -- Speaker -- Tom Ruotolo -- Open to the Public**
9:00 Worship + Session #2 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett
11:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and lunch
2:00 Session #3 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett
4:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and dinner
7:00 Worship + Session #4 – Speaker -- Todd White -- Open to the Public**
9:00 Worship + Session #2 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett
11:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and lunch
2:00 Session #3 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett
4:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and dinner
7:00 Worship + Session #4 – Speaker -- Todd White -- Open to the Public**
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2013
9:00 Worship + Session #5 -- Speaker -- Todd White
11:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and lunch
2:00 Session #6 -- Speaker -- Todd White
4:00 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and dinner
7:00 Worship + Session #7 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett -- Open to the Public**
9:00 Worship + Session #5 -- Speaker -- Todd White
11:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and lunch
2:00 Session #6 -- Speaker -- Todd White
4:00 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and dinner
7:00 Worship + Session #7 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett -- Open to the Public**
9:00 Worship + Session #8 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett
11:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and lunch
2:00 Session #9 -- Speaker -- Tom Ruotolo followed by Q + A with all speakers
4:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and dinner
7:00 Worship + Session #10 -- Speaker -- Todd White -- Open to the Public**
9:00 Worship + Session #8 -- Speaker -- Bob Hazlett
11:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and lunch
2:00 Session #9 -- Speaker -- Tom Ruotolo followed by Q + A with all speakers
4:30 "Love in Action" outside the four walls and dinner
7:00 Worship + Session #10 -- Speaker -- Todd White -- Open to the Public**
**An Offering will be taken at these sessions
PARKING: The Bass Pro Shop parking lot west and south of the Event Center is actually city owned and free to park in. But please, do not park in at least the 5 rows closest to the Bass Pro Shop as we want their customers to have parking available. There is a $5 per day lot (come and go as often as you like) at 402 California Ave and we encourage you to park here if at all possible.
Event Location:
Coca Cola Bricktown Events Center
425 E. California Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
425 E. California Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
View Larger Map
Monday, March 11, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
New Location for live services
We are now live streaming from a brand new location. Stay tuned. SIMPLY CLICK THIS LINK TO BE TAKEN TO THE NEW LOCATION.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Many of us are Christian zombies. We walk around, going through the motions, but posses no life. We are all promised life through the sacrifice of Jesus. So why is it that we amble about like zombies?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Let's Start Something!
This week Pastor Jimmy brings out a point in a well known scripture that few have every focused on. It concerns healing. I think you will like this.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Even a remnant...
My Mother-In-Law was a seamstress. She could make anything with a needle and thread. She could make you a 3 piece suit out of wool that would look like it came from the most expensive stores. She could make any dress you could imagine, and she could do it without a pattern to go off of. Mend it, or make it from scratch, there was nothing that she could not do. She was amazing.
In the process of creating something for her clients, or just for the people that she loved, there would always be a little bit of scrap material left over. They are more commonly called remnants. These remnants would accumulate on the floor, where they would be trampled underfoot for days by her and any who entered her shop. After a while, the remnants would pile up to the point that she would have to pick them up.
By now they were dirty, filthy pieces of garment not good for anything except the dumpster out back. But she just could not part with them. She simply could not let them go. Even these little bits of dirty and dusty nothing where good for something, she would say to those that asked why she would choose to save them.
Loaded into a white garbage bag, they would sit forgotten in the corner for the longest time. So now they were dirty, forgotten bits of useless material sitting in a garbage bag in an out of the way corner.
Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, you would walk into her shop and those garbage bags would be scattered about her feet as she calmly sowed away while singing softly to some song on the radio. A week later and those dirty, forgotten bits of nothing, were assembled together into the most beautiful quilt you ever saw.
Now, that they were properly assembled together by the hands of a loving creator that possessed a clear vision of their potential, they were amazing to behold. They were priceless.
She never sold a single one of those quilts. Instead, they went to someone as a gift. A gift that was treasured by person that she gave them to, and coveted by everyone else that saw it.
A priceless and precious creation from a garbage bag of discarded remnants.
This morning, I picked up my iPhone and opened my bible app that gives me a verse of the day. It popped up a scripture from the little read book of Micah.
Micah 7:18 Where is another God like you who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of His special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because You delight in showing unfailing love.
You may be a remnant, but you are loved. You may be a remnant, but you have purpose. You may be a remnant, but in the hands of the creator, you are a priceless treasure.
Guest Post Blog By...
Jimmy Beltz
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Dealing with the container
The bible teaches us that when we give ourselves to Christ, we become a living vessel for the Holy Spirit to reside in. That sounds all great and wonderful, but sometimes I don't feel like such a great container for the Holy Spirit. I know I am not the only one that feels that way. So how do we deal with the container that is us? This video attempts to answers that question.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Properly Discerning Vision
As we begin to pursue a relationship with God, he first reveals himself through His word. In other words if a preacher says that in order to get closer to God we must do (insert claim here), but that statement does not match up with what the word says, then it is incorrect. We must bounce everything we hear about God with what the word says about God. That is no less true than when we try to discern vision.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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