How Can I be Blessed?
Bob:(in window 1) God, I’m so confused! I want to know how to live in Your blessings. God, I
really need some help here, who can I ask? Hmm. Let me see…
Amerikus: (In window 2 talking to Song) So then I got totally blessed yesterday!
Song: You too? So did I but you tell me all about your blessing first!
Amerikus: Oh, okay, you talked me into it! So, I have been praying because there’s this new
Bible that I’ve been wanting. It’s a Message Bible and it’s all pink and sparkly, and I have been
praying about it for three months!
Song: Well, that doesn’t sound like a blessing for you…
Amerikus: Just a minute, as I was saying, I’ve been praying about this Bible for months and
yesterday someone gave it to me as a gift!
Bob: Wait one minute! You mean to tell me that someone just gave her a Bible for no reason?
Song: Really? That’s so cool! Who gave it to you?
Amerikus: Oh, I don’t know her name, just some lady at the Christian book store. She said that
God told her that she was supposed to buy that Bible for me. Isn’t that cool!
Song: It’s totally fantabulous! So, You know that I’ve been praying and reading my Bible and
really studying what God has to say to me right?
Bob: I can’t believe that God told someone to give her a Bible. That’s cool!
Amerikus: Yes, I know you’ve been studying a whole lot lately. It says in the Bible that if we
study God’s word and keep it close in our hearts that He will bless us. We just have to do what
the Bible tells us to do.
Song: Right. SO, I’ve been asking God to bless our money at home because it’s been a little bit
difficult to get groceries this year. AND, I’ve been paying my tithes and making sure that my
parents pay their tithes too.
Amerikus: Really? I mean I knew that you’ve been sure to get me to hold your tithes until we
give offering on Sunday mornings but I didn’t know you were talking to your mom and dad about
tithing, that’s really cool Song!
Song: Like I’ve been asking God to help me talk to them and He totally has so this month we will
have enough money to buy really good groceries and supplies AND some new clothes too!! Isn’t
that totally fantabulous??
Bob: She has been reading her Bible and asking God to help her talk to her parents? I could do
Amerikus: Well, I’ve never known you to be shy about talking to people but it’s great that you
asked God to help you talk to them the right way! That’s amazing Song! I can’t wait to see what
you’re gonna wear next Sunday!
Song: Well, I haven’t bought it yet because I’ve asked God to help us find really great sales so
that we can get more stuff for the same money. Ya know what? All of the stuff that I like has
totally been going on sale too!!
Amerikus: That’s wonderful Song! You see what happens when we study our Bible and we let God
know how much we love Him and we ask Him to help us be smart about the things we do every
Song: You’re so right! I wish I had asked God to help me a loooooong time ago! But better
late than never I guess. As long as God keeps blessing me I’ll keep telling you about my cool
Amerikus: AAAwweee! Did you know he was over there?? Hey Bob! Tell us about your awesome
Song: Yeah, and quit hiding in the corner and scaring helpless little girls!
Bob: Well I just asked God to help me understand about being blessed and then you two came in
talking about your blessings! God blessed me by answering my prayer!! That’s so cool!
Song: Yeah? Well I hope you’ve been praying about lunch because I’m famished and I’m buying!
Let’s go to Taco Bell!!!
Bob: Hey, that will be great! I’m so glad that you two came along when you did!
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