This particular skit is based on Mathew 28:19-20
You’ve Got a BIG Mouth!
Song: (singing) Matthew 28:19 and 20 that’s the great commission.
Amerikus: Matthew 28:19 and 20 says to go soul fishing.
Bob: Hey, we just sang that song earlier. What’s it really all about anyway?
Song: It’s about using your BIG MOUTH, that’s what it’s about!
Bob: That’s not nice! You shouldn’t tell people that they have big mouths! All I want to know is what the song is about. I mean, how do you go soul fishing anyway?
Song: Oh, that’s easy! Like it totally means that we’re supposed to tell people about Jesus!
Bob: What are we supposed to tell them?
Amerikus: We are sposed to tell them about how Jesus loves them.
Bob: Okay, what else?
Song: Tell people about how Jesus did miracles and things.
Bob: Okay….what else?
Amerikus: About how Jesus died for their sins. Like ya totally gotta tell people about that part!
Bob: Okay, let me see, Jesus loves us, He did miracles and stuff and He died for our sins…Hmmmm
Song: OMG!! Like I totally forgot about the most important part! I can’t believe I forgot the part where Jesus, oh this is great, He was dead for three whole days and on that third day He came back for the dead!
Bob: Like a ghost or something? But Jesus isn’t a ghost!
Amerikus: No, Jesus isn’t a ghost, He totally dominated death and hell and took the keys to hell! Then, He totally got up out of that tomb and that made it where we can be saved!!!
Bob: So that’s why we get to go to Heaven huh?
Song: TOTALLY! All we gotta do is ask Jesus to live in our hearts and we get to go to Heaven! Is that awesome or what?
Bob: That is awesome! But how is that soul fishing?
Amerikus: (big sigh) Really? The soul fishing is when you tell people all of those great things and then they totally want Jesus to be in their hearts and they get saved then they tell their friends about Jesus and it just goes on and on and on and on and on!
Bob: Hmmm, okay, now I’ve got what you’re saying! So that’s why you’re saying to use my big mouth! You thing we should have big mouths for Jesus!
Song: that’s exactly what I’ve been saying! You’ve got a big mouth and you’ve gotta spread the word about Jesus by putting that big mouth into action! See? That’s not so hard, is it?
Bob: Nope! So now I’m gonna go ask God to help me see the times that I can use my big mouth for Him! Cool, great! I think I’ll write a new rap song about being a big mouth for God! Gotta go!
Amerikus & Song: Matthew 28:19 and 20 that’s the great commission! Matthew 28:19 and 20 says to go soul fishing!
Song: Hope we have a great big catch today! (exits humming to herself)
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